Bharata Mata College (Autonomous) is a nationally accredited first-grade arts, science and management co-educational institution of higher learning in the aided sector, under Bharata Mata College Educational Trust.
The faculty team at BMIM always gives prime importance for research and to inculcate it among the students. The faculty guides the students for doing the research paper, presenting at national and international conferences along with publication of the same in peer reviewed, UGC care list and Scopus Indexed Journals. The list of students involved in research activities under the guidance of faculty members are as follows:
(1)Nithya P.S (2019-2021) | Topic: Exploring the Path of Disinvestment: A pre and post analysis of divested companies
(2)Taby Thomas and Karthika M.S (2019-2021) | Topic: Excavating the Investment Option that Generates Scintillating Return From a Longer Perspective
(3)Niba Najeeb and Milna Muhammed Ali (2019-2021) | Topic: The Journey to Seek Attributes: An Explorative study on E-Commerce sites in India
(4)Hari Nair and Sachin Biju (2019-2021) | Topic: An Explorative Study on Women Empowerment in the Urban set up
Placement History of Present Fourth Semester Students (2021_23 Batch)
Best Paper Award in National Seminar
BMC Thrikkakara Selected for the Status of DBT Star College