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Bharata Mata College

The Christian ideal of love and service is integrated with service to our motherland,
in the college motto ‘For God and Country’.



FINVEST is the Finance and Investments Club at Bharata Mata Institute of Management. The objectives of the club include providing a platform for all the Finance enthusiasts to be a part of club initiatives and promoting finance as a career option among the student community. FINVEST collaborates with both the corporate and academia from the financial sector to provide a platform for students to improve their analytical thinking abilities and to sharpen their knowledge in Finance FINVEST conducts various intra-college competitions in the field of investment banking and equity research, which gives the students an opportunity to test their financial expertise and prepares them for the real world. The Finance game in X’lencia, the Annual Management Fest which attracts participants from the best  colleges in India is conducted by members of Finvest to demonstrate the financial prowess and knowledge of our students.

Bharata Mata College (Autonomous) is a nationally accredited first-grade arts, science and management co-educational institution of higher learning in the aided sector, under Bharata Mata College Educational Trust.